JadeClass Education Singapore

We are a people-oriented company committed to providing Chinese children around the world with quality international courses and service


About Us

JadeClass Education Singapore is an educational training institution designed to develop and enhance English reading literacy, critical thinking and expression, and interdisciplinary knowledge for students ages 6-18. Our courses are delivered online and utilize exploratory and project-based teaching methods to elevate students’ skills in the English language, mathematics, humanities, science, and history.

We currently serve overseas students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Canada, and other countries.




What sets us apart?


  • We provide students with what they NEED, not only what they want.

  • We equip students with critical thinking skills that they can apply to any subject matter. When students’ critical thinking skills improve, their scores improve across all subjects!

  • Rather than simply teaching students the correct answer to each question, we teach methodologies that students can use to find the correct answer to any type of question.

  • We have developed best practices and verified our teaching methods through a large number of successful cases.

  • We offer a range of class types to fit your needs, including live online small group classes, live online large group classes, recorded classes, and in-person classes

  • 我们为学生提供所需要的课程,除了有学生觉得自身需要提高的部分,同时也能弥补其他方面的不足。从而使学生在知识体系方面,更有宽度和深度。

  • 我们旨在让学生掌握批判性思维的核心内容与必要技能,使他们能够应用于任何学科。当学生的批判性思维能力有所提高,您会发现其各项其他学科的分数也会因此而螺旋式上升。

  • 我们不是简单地告知学生每个问题的正确答案,而是通过教授孩子更多的思路和方法,从而可以使他们举一反三、触类旁通地来寻找任何类型问题的解题技巧和正确答案。

  • 通过这几年大量成功案例,已经验证了我们的教学模式和方法。

  • 我们可以为希望站上国际舞台的学生,提供一系列的班级类型来满足不同学生的需求,如:在线直播小班课程、在线直播大班课程、录音课程和线下面授课程等等,以较高的效率与国际课程接轨。

Ready to sign up? 准备好报名了吗?

Ready to sign up? 准备好报名了吗?

See what we are enrolling now!